The Project Management Service is a collaboration self service that allows you to manage and track your projects and source code repositories. By using DARIAH-DE OpenProject, users can independently coordinate their projects, keep track of their issues and document their results. In addition, users can analyse the progress of their projects and have tools to detect problems early. This allows you to manage your projects in a coordinated fashion to also reduce risks. For this purpose, the Project Management Service offers a number of features that can be enabled on demand.
To access the service you need to login via the Academic Cloud ( either with a registered e-mail adress (if your academic home institution is based in Niedersachsen, Germany) or via the federated login with your DARIAH account or your instutional account. Please note, that regardless of which account you choose here, you should always make the same selection for all subsequent logins, as your profile and thus, also your data and your entries will be linked to this identity.
Once you are registered, you can change language and time zone in your own profile.
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